So last week we cleaned our apartment which took 3 hours because it was disgusting. We bought chlorox and acid to clean so yeah. We used acid on the kitchen sink becuase I wasnt going to use that thing unless we cleaned it with acid. So not thinking about what happens to stainless steel when you put acid on it...we destroyed our sink haha its okay though because it didnt work anyways..
Then we walk a ton!!! my legs and calves and feet always are in pain but im finally getting used to it! Everyday we wake up at 6:30 then get ready until 8 then study until 12 different things and language and stuff! And at 2 we always eat at some peoples house. Sometimes its an investigator and sometimes its members. We share a area with 2 other missionaries because this area is huge!! Thats why there is a lot of walking.
Before i start going on to the spiritual things i want to tell you some crazy things that has happened...well first i still haven´t eaten fish and i hope i will never. But the food has finally effected me if you know what i mean. I had my first diarreha on wednesday! It wasnt to good. Uuhm and for the past 3 days I´ve been in the Hospital...NAH just kidding.
But friday was a really good day So one of the Elders from Monte Alto 1 was with us in a trio because his comp. is the Zone leader so he had a meeting in Tampico. And they had a cita (appointment) with an investigator and they were planning on inviting her to be baptized. It was there 2nd lesson with them and guess who got chosen to invite her...I DID! He told me that and i was nervous and didnt really want to do it because i thought i was going to mess it up! But we went to her house and her daughter decided to be in our lesson too..shes 19 and has a 2 year old with her boyfriend.. but my comp and the other elder..elder MIs, he´s a mexican..started teaching the plan of salvation. I say something little about the holy ghost.
Then they go on then at the end of the lesson elder mis nudges my leg and i start explain baptism and asked both of them do you want to follow christ and why and then i told them that Christ was baptized and read the mathew scruipture that talks about it (becuase they didnt really have a good knowledge about the bible) then when i started to say the baptism invitation a plane flew over head and no one could hear anyone!! Just at the moment of spiritualness! but then it passed and i started over and invited them to be baptized and they both said yes!! ah man it was awesome!
After i was happy but i was also down because to be honest my spanish sucked and i could barely understand what they were saying! Its so frusterating when you cant explain things better or explain yourself the way you want to! Spanish is freaking hard right now.
But after we went to my comps and I´s citas (appointments) but no one was at their houses so they all fell through! so we were standing outside this one person house. who was a member but she wasnt there. And they had this dog in their front yard chained to a tree. They had a fence all around and stuff. But the dog kept barking for atention and i would look at it and it would get all happy and wag its tail then i would turn around and it would bark again.
SO we were leaving but I decided to got and pet the dog for a sec. SO i go over and its all happy and stuff. I pet it head for 2 seconds and then BOOM it bites my hand!!! Then of course i try to pull my hand out but it wouldn´t come out the first time so i pull again and my hand comes out.
All my fingers were in its mouth and thats it. I was in shock when it bit me but after oh boy i felt the pain! I havent felt that much pain in awhile! My fingers started bleeding pretty bad and my middle fingers was pretty bad. But this 15 year kid saw the whole thing and took us to his house and we washed my hand and stuff then I called the presidents wife, sister jordan, and she said go to the hospital so we do.
And they said that it was going to be a 2 hour wait to see someone! and that we just had to sit down and wait it out...but i dont know how and why it happened but 2 minutes later a nurse came out and said Elder McNamara. i wasnt supossed to be next but i was! Which that was a miracle in its self because we told the members here that and they were all surprised and said that shouldnt have happened.
But they cleaned the wounds and gave me a shot for rabies and some antibotics so dont worry!!!! haha im all good and im getting another shot today for rabies then another one next week! its just in case but the dog doesnt have rabies cause we talked to the members later that night. oh and everything was free and the church will pay for it! Im all good.
MY fingers are alright and i can move them! Im going to have a pretty nasty scare on my fingers though haha Then on saturday we taught some lessons and i taught half of it! I felt pretty good about it! I love the members here they are so nice and feed us evertime we come over!
Yesterday at church i got to bless the sacrament and then the bishop wanted me to bare my testimony so i did! My comp. told me that i made a good first impression so thats good! My spanish isnt too well right now. i feel like i sound retarded and i can only understand a little bit of what some people are saying! But i write down all the words that i dont know in a little booklet and study it at night!
I finshed the book of mormon and now im reading it over again and reading the doctrine and covenants.. A scripture i really liked this week was in DC 6:20 i think. The lord says if you are faithful and diligent in keeping the commandments he will encircle you in his arms of love!! Its pretty awesome!
Sounds like all of you are doing well! I miss you all like crazy! I miss america and the real normal food! and I miss English! haha But mom dont worry you´ll find a job soon enough! Dad i love you and miss you! Brothers and Julie i love you guys so much!
Email Elder David McNamara at:
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