Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Week 37: Working Hard and Helping Others

Hey family....
Well i opened up my email and then i see some pictures of mom and julie at the A game then i see an email that says New York City.....What!!! So i say a loud...What the heck?! 

My family went to New York...without me! Then the other american Elder starts laughing haha saying im sorry Elder, i gues they waited for you  to leave to go to new york. 

Im actually kinda jealous, i have always wanted to go to New York City. I have only been to the Pagent thing for the church there in New York but nowhere close to New York City. 

Anyways thats so awesome that you mom and julie and brad got to go to New York. The pictures look so cool and awesome! 

Then i got some pictures of katie at college! Looking better than ever. Everyone is just having such a good time. Im happy!
Well this week went pretty well. Im loving the misión. My comp and i always just joke around and talk about everything which is nice. He is a Little crazy...well so am i so its all good. We have been getting a lot of work done, finding more less active members that i have never met, teaching a lot of lessons. The days go by pretty fast and i am always SOO tired at the end of the day that i literally just past out on my bed after we plan for the next day.
We have been visiting this one sister who is so awesome. I honestly love her. She is a bigger women but has the best laugh i have ever heard. It just makes me laugh ever time she laughs. She pretty much started the church here in S. La M. There were Elders here about 25 years ago and she was baptized in that period but then they closed the área and she kept the church going in her house. They would have the meeting in her house with 3 familys. She would teach the first class then the other women would teach the relief society. They werent any men with the preisthood so they didnt have sacrament. BUt they did that for about 10 years then they re opened the área and the church slowely grew in this área! Its a really interesting story. She told it to us friday!

Well right now she is having some hard times so we go and visit her through out the week to help her around the house and stuff. But her son is in active and has been for awhile. But we set up a lesson with him for saturday. And he was actually there which surprised his mom. She told us that he always, ALWAYS cancels with the elders but for some reason he didnt. He is a really cool guy. 

So we were talking for a bit then we started the lesson with a prayer. After it ended i dont know why but i got nervous all of the sudden. So my comp started the lesson and teaching. We figured out some things from his life before. That he was living in Monterrey for 5 years, he had a wife and converted her and her children she had and they are still active. And he has helped a lot of people to the góspel. But 5 years ago he came back here because they seperated. And he kinda fell away from  the church. 

My comp started teaching the story about Enoc and how the city went up to heaven. But the part where Enoc saw in a visión the future of the world and saw God crying and he asked why, your god and you are perfect and a saint. You have no need to cry, so why are your crying? Then God responded and said that they are his children and they are killing each other and not following me. He went on eplaining that. I was looking at the guy. And i had no idea what i could say to him. But i just wanted to cry by looking at his face. Because i have never seen so much pain and sorrow in a persons face before. My comp finished and looked at me, so i would actually say something. I started baring my testimony to him but during that i got the feeling to tell him about the story of Michael. SO i started and the whole time i felt the spirit telling it to him. And his eyes were set on what i was saying. And i could see that he started to tear up. It was prowerful. Then i testified that God is always there and we can always change. Doesnt matter about our past we can always repent and God is there to take us back in. 

After i said all of those things he opened up to us and told us that he still reads the book of mormon and reads other things of the church. But right now he is going through a test and that its so so so difficult for him. That he got into drinking and he said it has made him senseless to things of life. He said that he is stuck in a whole and its hard for him to get out. It was so powerful. He wants to change and we are going to help him! After the lesson we went up to his moms house because i wanted to tell her something. So we go and i touch her on her arm and i said that i know that your son is going to come back. I know it. She just said thanks Elder, i think its time too.
While we were walking back to our house i was thinking about the lesson and i told my comp that i have never seen so much pain in a persons face before and i just started to tear up. If i could help this guy get back before i leave this área i will be so happy!
Anyways that was my week for you all! I love you all so much. Every single one of you guys!
Elder McNamara 

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