Monday, January 13, 2014

Week 57: Letting Go of the Unwilling and Moving On ... All is Well

Hey family! 

Well this week was alright.  Not as awesome as the week before but that's all good!  

I got pretty sick tuesday night and all wednesday.  We ate some wierd food for lunch tuesday and after i was feeling pretty bad the rest of the day. Then when we got home i told my comp, im going to throw up in one hour. And i was right!  haha  i was throwing up like crazy then again at like 5 in the morning.  I was feeling like poop.

Then wednesday was the district meeting and for some reason we combined the 2 districts here together and the other leader taught.  I was alright with that because i wasnt feeling good at all.  But before the meeting we all met together to practice contacting people in the street. And we all left to go contact for 10 minutes. It was really cool. 

We were walking out of the church and there were people right there but my comp and i got nervous and then we kept walking haha but it turns out that the sister missionaries contacted them and they are in our area.  So we visited those people last night and now they are our new investigators! haha.  But we went and contacted this guy and taught him real quick the restauration and stuff.  It was a cool experience.
After the district meeting we went to the food and i only ate one plate and started to feel like poop and we went home.  And i fell on my bed with my missionary clothes on and just passed out for 4 hours haha but im feeling good now.

This week with lessons and teaching people was a little difficult.  Some less actives dont want us to visit them anymore. And we dropped our other investigators because they werent doing anything, reading, praying or going to church.  So we have been focusing on finding new people.  A little difficult at times!!  A lot of times getting rejected by a lot of people.  But everyone has their own time for every thing right?  We are just there to give them the opportunity to choose if they want it or not. 

Saturday night was really good and funny!  So we taught Alfonso that night and that lesson was really spiritual. That morning we were thinking about what we could teach him to help him and at the same time repass the missionary lessons with him.  So i was thinking and then i opened the Liahona with the general conference talks in it.  And i opened to the talk of Russell M. Nelson (Decisions of Eternity) I LOVED THAT TALK.  And it was perfect for alfonso. 

It talks about how the everyday decisions determine our destiny. Our decisions with our body and how it effects our spirit. With drugs, alcohol, tobacco and even swearing, treating people badly and sexual stuff. Then it also talks about marriage and all that. 

We used that to teach the principle the gospel blesses the families. Alfonso really liked the talk and expressed how he felt and stuff.  That how he did all that stuff before but then made a decision to change and he did!  And he told us how all his friends and family have noticed this change that has happened in him. And it makes them interested in the church!  Actually he already has taught them a little what he has been learning and stuff!  Alfonso is a true convert to the gospel!  He also told us that he has been thinking a lot about it and that he now wants to get married!  He just has to find someone...It was a really good lesson. 

Then after that we were walking home. Coming down from the mountain. And we passed a house that was playing music really really loud and we pass it and oh my gosh hahaha i about peed my pants i was laughing so hard. There were 3 drunks dancing in a circle with beers in their hands really uncoordinated haha and then they called us over like ¨HERMANOOOSS¨ then we started talking to them and the main guy was asking about Jonas and how long he was in the desert then i told him that was Moses and then he asked me how long did moses fast and what did he eat when he was fasting hahah then the other yelled from where he was sitting and said ¨The bible says......that when one talks.....the boss wakes up¨ It was really funny. 

Well theres my week for you all.  Im really happy that im here on my mission and serving the Lord.  Best thing in the world to do!  I only have 10 months left and ill be home...WOW.  The time has really flown by.  I have learned a lot in these 14 months about the gospel and myself but more importantly about the savior and his sacrifice.  Im grateful for my Savior.  Everything about the church is true! Word.  I love you all :) 

Elder McNamara 

p.s  Shout out to Michael my bro.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAN!!!!

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